
Are you drawn to the Law of Attraction, but want an approach that includes compassionate healing of past feelings?


That was a big thing for me, to write that email yesterday!

After I wrote it, I had a lie down for 10 minutes in my sun spot (it’s winter here and those sun spots are so lovely!)

And I could feel pain in some of my teeth.

And straight away I knew what it was about.

I’d just opened my mouth (about things that were really important to me), and now there was pain.

I went straight back to the memory of when I was about 9, and I was in the dentist’s chair, and I was scared and crying, and the dentist slapped me around the face.

See the link? I’d opened my mouth and had got hurt.

Now, I have done quite a lot of inner work on this in the past – I used to have the perspective that I had a core belief of, “If I open my mouth, I get hurt,” and I used to have a more thinky approach, where I’d aim to replace the thought with, “when I open my mouth, beautiful things come.”

But now I have the Inner Loving Presence Process, which is an embodied healing experience, and so very different from thinky ways.

So, I went back to those kinesthetic memories of sitting in that dentist’s chair, but THIS TIME I had my Inner Loving Crew there with me.

First of all, they gave me empathy, and they heard how scared I was, and I said “NOOOOOO” to the dentist.

Already I felt relieved.

And then I went through it again, but this time rewinded to BEFORE he hit me, and my Inner Loving Crew set a loving limit with him, “WE WON’T LET YOU DO THAT TO HER.”

And already there was this palpable sense of difference in my body. I was no longer alone. I’d had my feelings heard. My ILC were my advocates.

And immediately, the pain in my teeth went away.

Our bodies are full of wisdom.

We are constantly trying to heal from old hurts that come up in the present as we move forwards.

And what I love about this whole experience is that it’s not a thinky thing; it’s not thinking that I have one belief and thinkily trying to replace it with another.

This is entirely different.

It’s knowing that there was a thought, and that the thought was based on a whole load of experiences, feelings, body sensations and needs.

And by listening compassionately to those younger parts of us, they come home to us.

We increasingly bring them home into us.

They are no longer outcasts, in pain, alone, trying to get our attention with physical and other symptoms.

They are welcomed.

They are loved.

They are heard.

And the paradox is, the more that we welcome them home, the less we are identified with them.

So, whereas before, I would have become totally identified with 9 year old me at the dentist, feeling terrified, alone, scared to open her mouth;

the more I invite her in, and the more I LOVE her, the more I become identified with LOVE, with the me that is so much more than the younger parts of me.

And the more I become identified with that love that I am, the more capacity I have to welcome all the lost and outcast parts of me home again.

And this is the essence of the Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs.

So, if you’ve been called to consciousness-as-cause models, or New Thought models, or the Law of Attraction, but at times have found them too thinky and have wanted to combine your passion for compassionate listening to feelings with your understanding that thoughts have a generative effect and your sense that all things are connected, then I think you might just love the Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs.

The doors are open for just a few more days – until the 17th – and then they won’t be open again until January 2018.

If you want to find out more, click HERE or on the image below.



