
If you’ve been following my offerings for a while, you’ll know that my car is often the vehicle (excuse the pun) for messages from Life!

So when I needed four new tyres yesterday for my car’s registration, I wasn’t surprised when at the end, the mechanic told me something extra.

“There’s only one problem,” he said; (I was feeling worried, imaging what it might be).

He then proceeded to tell me that the the circle at the CENTRE of one of the wheels had been glued on, and they’d needed to unstick it and take it off completely to balance the wheels.

He also told me that another one of the centres had been very wobbly and was about to fall off, and he recommended I take that one off too, and glue them both on.

I chuckled, because my experience this week had been that I had lost my ‘centre’ and had fallen into a whole load of sweet spots. I’d done some healing, yes, but because I’d often lost my centre, I’d often been in old feelings in ways that weren’t healing at all.

In my way of seeing things, when we go into an old feeling, healing happens only if we have either an outer loving crew member there with us, helping the experience be healing by holding the balance of attention, or we have an inner loving crew member giving us empathy and compassion so that healing can happen.

Being immersed in feelings itself doesn’t often bring healing, I find.

But I’m also curious about the car’s message. Maybe something needed to become unstuck; perhaps I needed to lose my centre for a while, so I could be rebalanced. Finally being able to let go of wanting another baby was a huge step on my holiday; and I wondered if that was part of the rebalancing.

However, I also got really clear after the painful experience of all those sweet spots and then getting sick as a result of being flooded in there, is that my own personal focus for the rest of the year is to increase and strengthen all my own practices, especially my Inner Loving Crew practice. 

It’s my aim that I will be able to stay connected with them, even when I’m travelling, even when I’m spending lots of times with others, and even when I’m tired or hungry.

The other thing I love about this whole “centre” message is that whilst I was away skiing, my mentor, now beliefsister Jana Kingsford asked me to get really clear about what I stand for.

I told her I’d ski with the question, and I did – interestingly, my daughter was sick that day and my son was tired, so I skiied alone all day, whilst our friends looked after them back at our accomodation.

So I was free to just be with the question.

And then it came to me.

A model that brings together the three different aspects of my work.

If you didn’t already know, I divide what I do into three different sections, all under the umbrella of RESPOND LOVINGLY.

Respond Lovingly, to me, means the divine marriage of masculine and feminine, love and will, compassion and action.

The three elements are:

Responding Lovingly to Ourselves as mothers.

Responding Lovingly to our Children.

Responding Lovingly to our Calling.

As I was skiing, this three dimensional model came to me,

Imagine the human body, standing up with arms outstretched.

Our left arm reaches out to the Feminine, the right arm to the Masculine.

Our head reaches to the Divine, our feet to Matter.

In front of us is the Future, and behind us is the Past.

 Heart Star paradigm for Instagram

All are of equal value.

All are of equal importance.

All meet in the heart.

All are one.

And the branches all together make a star.

Hence the Heart-Star paradigm.

But this isn’t just a model.

All the offerings I have fit within this paradigm – so there are tangible practices and processes to LIVE this paradigm.

The Respond Lovingly to Ourselves work includes: 

unconditional love from our Inner Loving Mother and loving support from our Inner Best Friend (both of the Feminine, for most women);

protection and encouragement from our Inner Loving Father and unconditional presence from our Inner Beloved (both of the masculine for most women);

Within this work is the recognition of who we really are, which comes from the Divine, and how we can most clearly live that in the world, in Matter;

There’s the understanding that unheard and unhealed hurts from the past keep on being repeated so that we can heal from those hurts, and that we are also called by the future to become who we already are.

The Respond Lovingly to our Child work includes:

responding to our children with unconditional love, understanding and compassion (archetypal feminine qualities);

as well as guidance, protection and encouragement (archetypal masculine qualities); 

Loving Limits, for example, are the exact blend of masculine and feminine qualities of love and clarity;

And underlying Aware Parenting is the knowledge that our child’s true nature is aware, present, connected, compassionate, cooperative – and that unmet needs and unexpressed feelings are the cause of the things we find most challenging as parents. The more we can understand our children in compassionate ways, meet their needs, listen to their painful feelings, and support their own unique inner guidance, the more they are able to stay connected to who they really are (Divine) and live that in the world (Matter);

The more we are able to help them heal past hurts through connection, attachment play and listening to crying and tantrums, the more they are able to be in the present and called by their future, whilst acknowledging the importance and power of their past.

The Respond Lovingly to our Calling work includes:

seeing creative downloads, inspiration, and our own unique gifts as divine;

and supports us in bringing these into the world of matter;

The Divine also speaks to us uniquely through the Conversation with Life;

Old hurts from the past come up to be heard and healed, which we can do through the Inner Loving Presence Process, which allows us to move forward into the future;

And we can embrace the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine qualities through connection with our Inner Loving Crew in the Inner Loving Crew Practice;

And finally, The Willingness Practice combines masculine and feminine, love and will, divinity and matter, to help us take action in the world by listening to both what we want (the future calling) and giving compassion to fears from the past (the past calling to be heard).

All of my courses fit together within this paradigm, within one of these three branches.

And I LOVE the Conversation with Life, because as soon as I got this clarity, I had a sudden calling to go down a different ski slope that I had never been down before – and I only went down once on the whole trip.

And there I found this:

 Screenshot 2017 07 26 10.22.25

It’s a water tower with a huge picture of a butterfly (or is it a moth?), with “TWO ONE” written at the bottom.

To me, that was such a clear message – the divine marriage – two in one, where masculine, feminine, divine, matter, past and future are all one, all of equal importance and value and power and beauty, all coming together as one.

I’m excited about this next piece of clarity and will include it in my book; “Respond Lovingly”, which I plan to finish soon!

What about my plans for the rest of the year!

I was going to close the doors to my Inner Loving Presence Process for Entrepreneurs whilst I was away, but I decided to wait until I came back. So I’m keeping them open until 9pm on the 1st of August.

I was so delighted to read this in the ILPPE course FB group, from Shana, and asked her if I could share it, and she said yes:

Screenshot 2017 07 29 12.29.04 

If you want to share your gifts in a world in a way that also helps you truly, tangibly love yourself more, heal from old hurts, and take clear and aligned action, then you might just love the ILPPE course.

You can find out more HERE.

I am also going to be offering a sale on my Power and Powerlessness in Parenting Course soon – inspired when I was skiing and remembering the importance of regularly doing things that help me feel powerful in my body!

I’m going to be offering a 4 month, weekly session, Zoom mentoring programme for people in the Aware Parenting Babies Course.

There’s another live round of the Respond Lovingly to your Calling Course starting very soon too!

I will also be opening doors to the ILPPE mentoring Zoom calls soon too, for people who have already bought the ILPPE Course.

If you’re newer to what I do, you can find out more about my free and paid courses and offerings HERE.


Lots of Love,

